If you would like to cancel the booking of one of the following exams, please fill in the cancellation form.

  • telc exams
  • Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer
  • Leben in Deutschland
  • onSET Deutsch/English
  • Oxford Test of English
  • Zugangsprüfung Englisch
  • DAAD-Sprachzeugnis Englisch

Kindly note the cancellation deadline: Examinations can be cancelled until the last day of their application period only. Cancellation requests that are submitted after the deadline has run out will not be accepted.


    [group group-tn-headline clear_on_hide]continue to the next step [/group]

    [group group-cn-headline clear_on_hide]continue to the next step [/group]

    If you would like to cancel another exam, please get in touch with our examination centre to learn how a cancellation process can be initiated. If you would like to cancel a course booking, please use this form.