

telc德语B2考试是世界公认的 telc(欧洲语言证书)考试之一。本考试面向想要获得高阶德语学识证明的德语学习者。测评B2德语水平等级:
欧洲语言共同参考框架相关信息请您点击 这里


亚琛语言学院作为telc官方授权的考试中心,定期举办 telc德语B2考试。您可以在指定报名时间内通过我院进行报名。考试费用为160欧元(包括报名费30欧元)。


telc德语B2考试由笔试与口试组成。笔试时间为2小时20分钟,包括阅读理解,语法结构,听力以及写作。口试部分大约为15分钟 (20分钟准备时间后进行口试)。口试可与笔试安排在同一天,或分开进行。



考试阅卷由 telc统一进行,为期4-6周。考试成绩发布后,亚琛语言学院将第一时间通知考生来校领取成绩。

telc德语B2考试 - 日期安排

ZD24-3222629.11.2024 和/或 30.11.2024周五/周六07.11.2024



    Important information regarding the crediting of examination parts that have already been passed:

    telc examinations must generally be taken in full. However, in certain cases it is possible to retake a failed part of the exam: If you have taken the telc Deutsch B2 exam in the past 12 months and passed either the written or the oral part of the exam, it is possible to have this partial result credited and retake the other part of the exam. For the overall assessment, it will always be the last examination result achieved in the respective partial examination that counts.
    If you wish to receive credit for a part of the exam that you passed last year, you must explicitly state this when you register. You will not have the chance to request crediting of partial examination results at a later date. Details can be found in the telc examination regulations, p. 13-16, §7,3.

    [group exam-credits]

    [group note]

    Please note:
    The crediting of an exam part must be requested at the examination center directly when registering for the examination (§7 p. 3 telc examination regulations). At a later point of time, the consideration of a request for crediting will not be possible.


    [group upload]

    Upload the front side here.

    Upload the back side here.

    Please use file formats JPG, PNG or PDF. The limit is 2MB for each file.


    The personal data provided in this form, especially your name, address and date of birth, are being collected solely for the purpose of handling your request. They will be processed by Sprachenakademie Aachen gGmbH and, partially, by the telc gGmbH, in accordance with the data protection regulations. Detailed information on data protection as well as on your right of revocation can be found here.

    *= Mandatory field
    ** In case of timely cancellation, the examination fee can be refunded, the registration fee will be retained. Your absence on the examination day can only be excused if a doctor's certificate is presented.

    封面图片: © Drazen Zigic/


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